Meclonazepam Overview

Meclonazepam is a synthetic chemical compound belonging to the benzodiazepine class. It is a derivative of clonazepam, with structural modifications to its chemical makeup. While meclonazepam is not widely prescribed or used in conventional medicine, it has been studied and is sometimes encountered in research or as a designer drug.

Chemical Information

  • IUPAC Name: 3-(2-Chlorophenyl)-7-nitro-5-(2-methoxyethyl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one
  • Molecular Formula: C17H17ClN2O4
  • Molar Mass: 348.78 g/mol
  • CAS Number: 52463-35-9
  • Chemical Structure: Similar to that of clonazepam, it consists of a benzodiazepine core with modifications at specific positions.

Human Interaction

As a benzodiazepine, meclonazepam affects the central nervous system (CNS), enhancing the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the GABA-A receptors. This produces the typical effects associated with benzodiazepines, including sedation, muscle relaxation, anxiolysis (anxiety reduction), and anticonvulsant properties.

However, meclonazepam is not a well-studied or approved drug for therapeutic use, so its specific pharmacological profile, safety, and efficacy in humans are not fully established. Like other benzodiazepines, it may have potential for:

  • Dependence and Withdrawal: Long-term use of meclonazepam can lead to physical dependence, and abrupt cessation could lead to withdrawal symptoms (similar to other benzodiazepines).
  • Tolerance: With repeated use, users may develop a tolerance, meaning higher doses would be required to achieve the same effects over time.
  • Abuse Potential: Due to its sedative and anxiolytic properties, meclonazepam has a high potential for abuse, particularly in recreational settings.


Since meclonazepam is not an approved medication, dosage information is not standardized. However, based on its chemical structure and relation to other benzodiazepines like clonazepam, doses would likely be in the range of micrograms to milligrams. Recreational or research users typically dose cautiously due to the lack of information on its potency and effects.

Dosage Range and Expected Effects

0.5 mg to 1.0 mg (Low Dose)

  • Effects:
    • Mild relaxation
    • Subtle calming effects
    • Slight reduction in anxiety
    • Minimal to no sedation
  • Expected Use:
    • Suitable for beginners or for those seeking mild relief from anxiety or stress.
  • Cognitive Impact:
    • Very mild, likely no impairment in cognitive or motor functions.

1.0 mg to 1.5 mg (Moderate Dose)

  • Effects:
    • Noticeable relaxation
    • Moderate reduction in anxiety and stress
    • Mild sedation
    • Heightened sense of calm
  • Expected Use:
    • Commonly used for treating moderate anxiety or inducing light sedation.
  • Cognitive Impact:
    • Slight cognitive and motor impairment may start, with delayed reaction times.

1.5 mg to 2.0 mg (Moderate-High Dose)

  • Effects:
    • Pronounced relaxation and sedation
    • Significant reduction in anxiety
    • Mild euphoria
    • Mental and physical relaxation
  • Expected Use:
    • Can be used to treat acute anxiety, panic attacks, or induce sleep.
  • Cognitive Impact:
    • More noticeable impairments in motor skills and cognitive functions.

2.0 mg to 2.5 mg (High Dose)

  • Effects:
    • Strong sedation
    • Heavily reduced anxiety and stress
    • Enhanced feelings of calm and well-being
    • Euphoria in some individuals
  • Expected Use:
    • Typically used for severe anxiety, panic, or sleep disorders.
  • Cognitive Impact:
    • Significant cognitive impairment, including poor judgment and motor control.

2.5 mg to 3.0 mg (Very High Dose)

  • Effects:
    • Heavy sedation and sleep-inducing effects
    • Near-complete anxiety relief
    • Memory suppression (amnesia may begin to occur)
    • Deep relaxation
  • Expected Use:
    • Usually only under medical supervision, can lead to blackouts or unconsciousness.
  • Cognitive Impact:
    • Severe cognitive impairment, coordination issues, and memory loss.

3.0 mg to 3.5 mg and Higher (Extremely High Dose)

  • Effects:
    • Extreme sedation, likely leading to unconsciousness
    • Risk of overdose and serious side effects
    • Possible respiratory depression in sensitive individuals
  • Expected Use:
    • Not recommended; extremely high doses increase risk of overdose, dangerous side effects, and death.
  • Cognitive Impact:
    • Total cognitive suppression, potential for blackouts or amnesia.

General Guidelines:

  • Starting dose: 0.5 mg to 1.0 mg is typically safe for beginners.
  • Tolerance: Like other benzodiazepines, meclonazepam can lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses over time to achieve the same effects.
  • Effects onset: Effects usually begin within 30 to 60 minutes, peaking after 1 to 2 hours.
  • Duration: Lasts around 6 to 10 hours, depending on metabolism, dosage, and individual tolerance.

Note on Higher Doses:

As the dose increases beyond 2.0 mg, the risk of severe side effects, memory loss, and blackouts also increases. Careful dosing is essential to avoid dangerous effects, especially for those with low tolerance or using it without medical supervision.

Description of Product

Meclonazepam is generally available in the form of:

  • Tablets
  • Powders
  • Pellets
  • Blotters

In designer drug markets or research chemicals, it is often sold in powdered form or pressed into tablets, often marketed under various names with no approved pharmaceutical branding.

Description of Dosage

Since there is no standard medical dosage, the product often comes with no dosing recommendations. Users or researchers might experiment with different doses based on analogs like clonazepam. However, in controlled environments, the following factors would influence the dosage:

  • Body weight
  • Tolerance to benzodiazepines
  • Desired effects (sedation, anxiety relief, etc.)

A common practice among users is starting with very low doses (e.g., 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg) and adjusting based on effects.

Description of Effects

Like other benzodiazepines, meclonazepam is likely to produce effects such as:

  1. Sedation: A calming effect that may make the user feel relaxed or sleepy.
  2. Anxiolysis: A reduction in feelings of anxiety, stress, or panic.
  3. Muscle Relaxation: May lead to reduced muscle tension or spasms.
  4. Anticonvulsant Properties: May help prevent seizures, although its effectiveness in this regard is not well-documented.
  5. Impaired Coordination and Motor Skills: A common side effect of benzodiazepines, which can affect driving and physical activities.
  6. Euphoria or Pleasure: In some cases, users may experience mild euphoria, contributing to its recreational use.

Duration of Effects

Meclonazepam likely has a moderate to long duration of action, similar to clonazepam, which typically lasts 6-12 hours, though residual effects like sedation can last longer. This would depend on:

  • Metabolism
  • Route of Administration
  • Dosage taken

Safety and Risk

Due to the lack of clinical data, meclonazepam’s long-term effects, potential drug interactions, and risk profile are not fully understood. However, based on its benzodiazepine nature, possible risks include:

  • Overdose Risk: Like other benzodiazepines, an overdose of meclonazepam, especially when combined with alcohol or other CNS depressants, could lead to respiratory depression, coma, or death.
  • Addiction Potential: Chronic use could lead to psychological and physical dependence.
  • Impairment: Motor function, reaction times, and decision-making could be impaired, posing safety risks, especially when driving or operating machinery.

In summary, meclonazepam is a benzodiazepine analog with sedative, anxiolytic, and muscle-relaxing properties, but it remains a research chemical without established medical use.